Math Facts
Click and select the Math Facts you would like to practice.
Students need to be able to communicate mathematically! In November we are working on learning Doubles and Doubles + 1.
We are learning to demonstrate "computational fluency".
The following are questions to ask when determining if a child has computational fluency:
Helping your child with addition: Here are some of the strategies for learning the addition facts: It is expected that students respond automatically when asked an addition fact. Helping your child with subtraction: Here are thinking strategies for learning the subtraction facts: Using cards to reinforce basic facts: Addition 21: Sort the decks into two piles, red and black. Set the red decks aside. The cards are divided between the players. Each player turns over two cards and adds the values together. Whichever player has the highest sum wins the hand. To begin with, use only the number cards and as students become more proficient, add the face cards assigning values for each. Subtraction 21: The cards are divided between the players. Each player turns over two cards and adds the values together if both cards are black or red. If a player turns over a black and a red, he/she must subtract the values. Whichever player has the highest or lowest answer wins the hand. With older students who understand integer addition/subtraction rules, this game can become very challenging. To begin with, use only the number cards and as students become more proficient, add the face cards assigning values for each. Below are links for practice: